What Spirit Has Brought Together...
Ted Lombard Ted Lombard

What Spirit Has Brought Together...

Today we hear a story where God's Holy Spirit comes upon those who were previously outside the realm of God's promise. Those who were used to how things always were choose to let Spirit surprise them. They begin to share community with those who were once 'others.' We are all called to let Spirit astound us with who She will bring us together with.

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What Spirit Has Brought Together...
Ted Lombard Ted Lombard

What Spirit Has Brought Together...

Today we hear a story where God's Holy Spirit comes upon those who were previously outside the realm of God's promise. Those who were used to how things always were choose to let Spirit surprise them. They begin to share community with those who were once 'others.' We are all called to let Spirit astound us with who She will bring us together with.

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Sheep and the Shepherd
Ted Lombard Ted Lombard

Sheep and the Shepherd

Today we hear Jesus' teaching that he is the Good Shepherd. This teaching invites us to be sheep who follow. We are part of God's ever-expanding flock.

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Maundy Thursday Service
Ted Lombard Ted Lombard

Maundy Thursday Service

Maundy Thursday gets it's name from the Latin word "maundatum" meaning commandment. This service recalls Jesus' commandment to love one another. He embodies love to the end as a Messiah who serves rather than exploits.

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